"The gratitude of students for having access to TalkCampus showed in their response to AUT"
After recognising the ongoing impact both the pandemic and the economic crisis have had on students, the American University of Technology, has introduced peer-to-peer support platform, TalkCampus, allowing students to access a community of support wherever they are and whenever they need it.
The severe strain students are currently experiencing motivated the team to search for an external mental health support partner that would complement their existing student affairs program, and TalkCampus was an obvious choice. One of the elements that appealed most to the AUT team, was that the platform is de-identified, giving students the freedom to be honest about how they are feeling and take that first step towards receiving support. In fact, 82% of students who use TalkCampus have said that their place of study does not know they are struggling.
"TalkCampus was brought to the attention of AUT by a psychology professor who felt the needs of her students for mental health support. AUT quickly adopted it and is happy that its students derive benefits from sharing their worries and difficulties on a platform that is monitored by professionals especially at a time where students study online and our student affairs officers cannot perceive easily signs that should trigger action. Moreover, the gratitude of students for having access to TalkCampus showed in their response to AUT social media posts about it." Marcel Hinain, Vice President for External Relations and Development at AUT.
TalkCampus is the first student mental health service that provides support around the clock, with real-time escalation. Peer support is a well-evidenced form of support that provides instant, ongoing connection wherever a student might be directly through their phones. TalkCampus helps students to start having what can be really challenging conversations around how they are really feeling.
“Student life can be incredibly tough, and we know students in Lebanon have been incredibly hard hit over the past two years facing additional unique challenges. We are incredibly excited to be launching with American University of Technology, especially at a time where we know that students are facing high levels of stress, anxiety and uncertainty. By providing social connection through peer support, we can make sure that during these challenging times, students have a solid support network they can turn to at any time of the day or night.” Jennifer Russell, Clinical Director at TalkCampus
TalkCampus is a 24/7 global peer support network for students. Supporting over 750,000 students worldwide with real time moderation and escalation. If you would like to explore how TalkCampus can support your students we’d love to hear from you. Book a Demo - https://www.talkcampus.io